A few questions I need answering please!! Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 3

    Ok my first one is I wasn’t told to sleep upright and I only just saw people speaking about it by reading through some of your other questions. Can someone help explain this to me please?? Another thing is I can hear my implant making noises in my right breast,is this normal?? Thirdly, I’m so bloated I want to cry it’s driving me mad!!! Xx

    Emily 24

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    Yea your suppose to sleep on a 45 degree angle for 2 weeks but I only managed a week as I was getting back ache really bad and it was soooo uncomfy!!
    Secondly bloating is because of your painkillers, I couldn’t go to the loo until after a week when I’d finished my painkillers and stomach was just so big!! After that though it went totally back to normal.
    I’ve not experienced noise yet so can’t answer that one hun xx

    Nicole 3

    Hiya Hunni thank you for the reply! I guess I’m going to have to try and sleep like that then for as long as I can!! Did they say why they advice it? I thought that could be the reasoning behind the bloating but wasn’t sure as it’s never happened on pain killers before and I’ll keep looking for the answers for the noisy implant!! Lol thank you xxxx


    I had all of the above haha!
    My nurse just told me to sleep how I feel comfortable. I’m 3 weeks post op and sleeping on my side is a breeze.
    Noises are totally normal and so are a few ‘sloshy feelings’.
    I was bloated for about a week and a half, it feels never ending xx

    Nicole 3

    I can sleep sort of on my side with support and it’s the only way I can get comfy but if I have to then I will sleep at 45degrees. I panicked when I heard the noise and my children burst out laughing ? This has made me feel loads better Hunni thank you ever so much. What size did you have??xx

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