Achey and sore Started by: India

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  • India 6

    Haven’t had much pain so far but today (5 days po) all under my arms and sides ache, feels as if it might be bruised all of a sudden? Maybe from the drains? Can’t wait for strapping off on Monday it’s driving me mad xx


    I felt like that at 5 days po think that was probs my worst day for being uncomfortable and sore it’s was pretty horrible but I’ve just had my strapping off and oh my god it’s so worth it!!! Where my drains were was very itchy and bruised but a lot better now. They are very high hard and pointy but love them already haha. Worse thing about the strapping is you can’t see them for a week! Hope you feel better in the next few days 🙂 it does get a lot better ! Xx

    India 6

    Hey oh good I though it was probs from the drains, feel like they will be bruised when I get strapping off! The strapping is so itchy but that means healing doesn’t it! Yeh so annoying, I just wanna see what I went through it all for haha hate not seeing them! Thankyu I think once the strapping is off I will be fine:) xxx


    The strapping a awful isn’t it , I’m itchy all the time! Lol at least Mondays not far away now yay x


    I’ve not got strapping on and tbh I’ve not really admired the work yet, I think it’s because I’m in so much pain I can’t bear to get dressed and un dressed to look, I’ve had loads off different sports bras on and none of them are making things any easier xxxx

    India 6

    I know not long now! Hope the pain gets better for you Natasha, I think first week is worst then after that we should be alright!! Xx


    Everytime I get up from sleeping I feel as though I’m pulling at my incisions, so sore 🙁 my back is getting sore from hunching over too. Roll on better days x

    India 6

    My back aches when I wake up from sleeping upright! Mornings are worst for me xx


    So far I haven’t had any pains, sleeping is uncomfortable, haven’t needed pain meds, today my breasts have gone hard again & deciding with bra is more comfortable is driving me crazy, macom is ok but does feel fitted enough but my others are pretty fitted sports bra & I’m worried they may be too tight. I don’t think they look that big seeing as though I’ve had such big implants x


    Thanks India. I find it worse on a night I’m sat here now in agony, going to to my painkillers soon and gett into bed for 10 lol xx


    @Cheryl I know you are a few days ahead of me but I’ve had such bad back ache like you from hunching over but what I found has helped is deep heat on my back before I sleep and when i wake up, might be worth a go xx


    Thanks Lucinda I might just give it a bash. I’m totally exhausted by the lack of sleep, it’s impossible to remain comfy without going numb or stiff! My shoulders,bum and back are all hurting 🙁 Hopefully once I see the nurse on Tuesday I will be able to lie flat again x


    I was the exact same for the first few nights and literally didn’t sleep at all. I bought one of those neck pillows you wear on the aeroplane to support my neck at night and got my mum to slap on the deep heat and that’s been amazing. Also during the day I’ve been slightly trying to consciously put my shoulders back so I’m not hunching as much as I was and that’s helped avoid backache too, obviously not too much because font want to pull my incisions but you know what I mean. Xx

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