All done! Had my op yesterday.. Started by: Olivia

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  • Olivia

    Had my BA yesterday with Traynor at Preston! My admission time was 1pm and I went down for surgery at about 3.15pm, I was the last one of the day..
    Everything went well, can’t believe how quick the day went – there’s really nothing to worry about girls! I woke up without too much pain, just very tight across my chest. I had 300 HP overs and from what I can see I’m so pleased with them, although they’re quite high and pointy at the minute! Such an improvement on what I had before though so I can’t complain. & from what I hear they’re going to drop and round up over time. Overjoyed!
    Anyone who’s having their op at Preston, the hospital is lovely and the staff are absolutely amazing. They couldn’t do enough for you! It may sound strange but it was a really enjoyable day that flew by!
    Currently sat up in bed with my V pillow in my Macom bra watching Elf… Ho Ho Ho!!
    Good luck to all you girls getting yours done over the next few days.. Hope it goes as well for you as it did for me xxxx

    Jenny 3

    Congrats on your new boobs hun. Hope you have a speedy recovery xx


    I had mine yesterday too I was one before you i think cause I went down about 2.20. I agree about it being enjoyable I was sooooo nervous but looking back on it your treated so well it’s hard not to enjoy it!
    How are you feeling chick? I’m on my v pillow too didn’t sleep great struggling to move any of my torso or arms. No pain no gain though hey!!! Xxxxxxx


    I thought you might of been just before me!! Did your op go ok? I was waiting for the nerves to kick in all day and they didn’t, surprisingly. I think I’ve been more nervous at a job interview haha! So glad that they’re all done now, can’t stop looking down at them!
    I’m feeling ok at the minute, just a little tight and restricted. Getting used to sleeping upright is proving difficult, so scared to roll over onto them! I think that’s what kept me from sleeping through the night.. It must take time!! Like you said, no pain no gain!! How are you feeling today? Not in too much pain I hope xxxxxx


    Glad everythings going well for you, hope your not in much pain! 🙂 what size post up bra did you get to wear for after??xxx

    AmandaT 6

    Congratulations Hun, hope you’re recovering well. Im about to have 325s in approx half an hour at the Fitzroy xxx

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