All done- Surgery day! Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 105

    Hey girls just thought I would update everyone as everyone has been lovely and supportive and put up with my constant questions haha. I’ve just had a look back of when I started asking questions and it was two years ago this month so this day was a long time coming for me! (I had researched it to death for years before this)
    So anyways, my admission time was 8am, set off at 5am as I live in the north east of England near Newcastle so had quite a drive. Got to the hospital at 7:30am and was able to go to my room within ten minutes. I had about a three hour wait, and didn’t go to theatre till around 11am and was back in my room for 12pm. I was really nervous about the cannula but it was nothing too worry about really, but stingy but over and done with really fast. I had it took out about an hour later cause it tissued so wasn’t working properly for the fluid but I just drank plenty and was fine. I’m still laughing about when Mr Traynor came and drew on me, I was stuck between 350 and 375 and he just told me straight that there is barely any difference and nobody grumbles and wishes they went smaller so I just thought aw well just go for 375 haha. He straight away wrote SG on my chest (he initially said this in my first consultation). I said oh are we not going under and he said no, why? I explained what he told me and said in the second consultation. I’ve got a feeling this piece of paperwork wasn’t in my notes as I was late signing in them. He was happy to let me have unders but just said it was my choice and proceeded to tell me people usually want overs for less pain. Anyways he didn’t try and push me into overs so felt abit better he wasn’t against my decision. So he soon changed the SG to SM. It was one of my biggest worries and concerns whether to have overs and unders. Something was just telling me to have unders and I knew I had to go with my gut feeling. His unders are actually partials though I do believe 🙂 As of now I’m in my hotel. Haven’t had any pain killers since the op and feeling quite good. It just a tight feeling and uncomfortable when I move my arms. I’ve managed to eat without being sick and drink plenty so they were happy to discharge me after 4 hours.
    I do think my boobs look huge though to be honest, hopefully it’s just the swelling haha. I’ve had a brilliant experience with mya so far. The surgeon was lovely and very straight to the point. All the nurses have been great and Julie my PC also. I’ve got my 1 week and 2 week post op appointments booked aswell. I know I’ll probably feel like crap in the morning.. Ready for my 2.5 hour journey back, great ey. Probably a best idea to start my pain killers now.
    Once again thanks for all your girls help. It’s been great xxx

    Hayley 10

    Hi Jessica, I’ve had my op today too with Mr Traynor. Just in the room after having my tea and toast and I am feeling quite good at the moment. Happy new boobie day and hope your recover goes well! X

    Jessica 105

    What time did you go down? Aw thanks so much. Hope your feeling okay aswell. I’m in the pub now getting food. My mam wanted me to bloody share a bottle of Prosecco with her haha I was like don’t think that’s a good idea hahaha xx


    Congaratulations Jessica and Hayley, so glad to hear everything went smoothly and wishing you both a speedy, healthy recovery. I was thinking about you today, have you got strapping on or can you see them?

    Jessica 105

    Thanks so much! And no I didn’t have strapping just my Macom on. I daren’t look at them though. So scared! Xx

    Hayley 10

    Haha no I don’t think prosecco is a good idea @jessy6067! They say not to drink for two week after op. Would be nice to celebrate the new additions though. My admission time was 2 but they phoned and asked me to come early as they were ahead of schedule. Was there for half 1…after getting lost in them roadworks and was down to theatre at half 2. I’m feeling ok, glad to be home in my own bed. Hope you enjoy your tea and have a safe journey home tomorrow Hun xx

    Rachael_O_ 24

    congrats hun. im one week post op with traynor. trust me the pain gets so much worse so keep up the pain killers im still in agony 6 days post op!!!

    Jessica 105

    @Rachael_O_ Hey yeah I’ve realised that this morning. In agony, Jesus Christ haha xx

    Sharen 22

    Glad it all went well and you went for your unders. I also had 375 unders with Traynor. How are you recovering? I was ok the day of the op and in agony yesterday but don’t feel as bad today. Are you happy with the new additions xx

    Abi 46

    Hi yes glad to hear it went well mine went well too, I didn’t have much pain after or anything, I was quite calm in the room where you put you to sleep the man was so lovely just talking to me about a holiday to Ibiza and how chilled I was. Although this morning and last night I am in absolute agony, feels like I’m never going to be normal again lol!!! Are you not in any pain at all? Soooo lucky if you’re not!! Dr Minours unders are partials too so we had the same xxx

    Abi 46


    Jessica 105

    @abi1xx I was okay on the day. Everyone in the hospital was amazed how calm I was lol. The anaesthetist was hilarious he kept holding his boobs and laughing at me haha. The nurses in the hospital kept saying you wouldn’t think I had surgery haha, think they must get a lot of people who don’t cope well with the pain. I was abit scared when they put the needle in and put me too sleep but it’s over with so fast. I had slight pain and discomfort afterwards but nothing major so didn’t need anything. I took some pain killers at like 6pm and that was it. Woke up today and I’m really sore. Struggled to tie my hair up so my mams done it for and she’s going to help me wash under my arms and things. I’ve started my pain meds this morning and going to try and keep on top. Just hurts to lift my arms and flush the toilet. Walking like the tin man haha. I’ve found it helps to walk around quite abit. I’ve slept quite well, woke up every hour or so though. It’s his sleeping upright .. Very weird ! Hope your feeling ok today xx

    Jessica 105

    @shez88 aw thank you. I’m feeling very sore today. I think it’s cause I was in bed all night and not moved much. And only had one dose of pain killers yesterday, going to keep on top of them today though. I’ve found walking around really helps and doesn’t let my body stiffen up. I’ve slept okay, just kept waking up all the time. Hope your doing ok xxx

    Sophie 90

    @jessy6067 congrats on your new boobs! lovely to read your experience, how was your journey home? i am travelling from near Newcastle down to preston too and i can just imagine the journey back taking forever and being sore xx

    Jessica 105

    It wasn’t too bad actually. I live closer to Durham so only took 2 hours to get home. Just made sure we set off after rush hour. I just brought a pillow to put between my seatbelt and boobs and had pain meds before. You’ll be fine xx

    Gerda 91

    Congrats honey glad everything went well. Funny about the prosseco I actually had a glass when I got home from my op haha. Had to toast the new arrivals. How are you feeling now? Happy healing xxx

    Jessica 105

    @mya450cc Haha I’m glad I said no to the Prosecco as I had really bad sickness later on the night lol. Wouldn’t of gone down well! And I’m okay. Managing pain wise I’m just still struggling with sickness, think it’s the antibiotics. It’s putting me off eating aswell which is probably making it worse 🙁 xx

    Gerda 91

    Haha yeah you’re more sensible than me lol
    Oh no sickness is the last thing you need. Hope it eases soon. The antibiotics made my down below sore. It kills the bacteria in the body but the good bacteria as well and can cause thrush…luckily I only had a slightly sore bit when I wiped for 2/3 days lol no one gave me the heads up about that lol hope you’re sickness goes away soon and try to eat as it will help with healing process (although I was the same with not eating much) xxx

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