Any1 had 2 different boobs straight after op? Started by: ayshababy

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  • ayshababy 5

    Any girls had one boob thats much higher n looks bigger straight after surgery? If so how long did it take to even out? They were both the same pre op xx


    Hi hun they class it as different ops so there will be one that looks different straight after give it a few weeks to settle i had one that was alot bigger and higher and a few weeks after they evened out im 4 months post op now and mine are perfect x


    I noticed one of mine was much bigger straight away. I’m nearly 3 weeks po and the size has completely evened out but it’s still higher and rounder. Hoping when it drops it will be the same! Xx

    Kelly -1

    Morning, had my op Friday & right boob def looks a little bigger but that was also the more tender at first. I’m glad I’ve read lots on here though as less worried by them behaving differently. If I hadn’t read so many girls stories would be really panicky but just glad my are doing the weird stuff like everyone else as it means they are normal! Pixie could I add you please?

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