Anybody had 350/375 hp overs??? Started by: Shannen

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  • Shannen 2

    I had my consultation with Mr traynor today top guy ???

    He offered me a few different sizes but said 350 or 375 would look best on me high profile overs

    I was confused as most people on here seem to have unders? I asked if it was possible for me to have unders he just straight up said ‘no! Why do you want overs? It’s un necessary’

    So does anyone have 350 or 375 high profile overs? Or even unders? My stats are 5 ft 6 9 stone size 8 on top 10 on bottom
    Any pics would be great! X

    Shannen 2

    Why do you want unders*** I meant lol

    Amy RK 1

    Hi lv I’m the same as you getting 375 by Dr traynor hopefully overs are better less painful look more fuller from what I’ve seen but it’s upto you what you want I think unders are for people who don’t have enough skin on top to fit overs in x

    Shannen 2

    Thanks for your reply! Do you think there’s much difference in the 350 and 375? Are you having overs too? Yeah he did say that to me! X

    Amy RK 1

    I think the 375 are more towards an f an the 350 are ee yes I’m having overs xx

    marlena 4

    Ive had 350cc/275cc overs ssince 2007 and only c/d cup. My stats 5,7, 9stone size 10-12. Im having my 2nd ba this month. Always hated the way they look (2golf balls stuck to me) and no cleavage. But everyone is diffrent and ONLY your dr.can advise which and what is best for u. Good Luck 🙂

    Shannen 2

    Thanks for the reply 🙂 I only want to achieve a large c small d to be honest I am quite tiny on the top. I tried the 400cc on and they looked huge for my frame ??
    I guess I am worried that they will look like golf balls but he advised me this wouldn’t happen to me? Fingers crossed anyway 🙂 xxx

    Shannen 2

    What date is your op? So exciting! And what surgeon?
    When traynor was running through the post op facts he said ‘cleavage.. doesnt happen unless you wear a bra that gives you one’ which makes sense I guess xxx

    Amy RK 1

    I know I wanted dd but he advised to go to f to feel the difference and everyone says always go a size bigger so I’m trusting him to get me what i want hopefully xx

    Jade 9

    Hi girls, you are only advised to have unders if you haven’t got enough tissue on top so they tend to put it under the muscle to achieve. Having unders is a more painful recovery I’ve heard so definately be happy with having overs haha! I had 375cc in one and 400cc in the other yesterday and I was told I would be a DD. Il post some pictures soon at the moment I still have strapping on so you can’t see much xx

    Shannen 2

    Hi jade! Aw thanktou you’ve put my mind at ease 🙂 id love to see pics! What was your experience like?? Happy recovering xxx

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