Anyone else a beauty therapist? Started by: Becks

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  • Becks 17

    Hi ladies,

    It’s my op on Wednesday so only 4 days left eeeek! I can’t wait. Just a question I have though is that I’m a beautician and specialise in nails lashes and brows. I have people booked in on Tuesday 11th so only 6 days after surgery. Do you think I will be ok pain wise??

    I’m also a receptionist and back to work 11 days PO. This will be ok won’t it?

    Thank you xxxx


    Hi Hun are you having your implants overs or unders ? X

    Megan 16

    Hiya chick, that’s what I do and I had my op 4 days ago and I’m off until the 11th! I personally haven’t had much pain but I don’t think there’s any way I would be able to go back that soon. I’m defo not comfortable to drive yet xx

    Wendy 5

    Hi I was partially under and I went back after 2 weeks! By the end of the day they felt a bit swollen but other then that it was fine! I’m a nail tech

    Niamh 6

    Hi hunni! I had mine on Tuesday this week and specialise in the exact same treatments as you! I’ve had a really good recovery so far and have been out and about loads but I’ve still took 9days off work and personally at this moment would say nails might be a bit to much with the filling motion but totally think everything else would be comfortable to do! I’ve tried to book my clients in for just half a day for my first day back incase it’s all too much! I can keep you updated if you like? Xxx


    I’d be interested to be updated on how you all get on top as I’m a beauty therapist and also specialise in those treatments. I’ve not booked surgery yet, will be having a consultation soon but how much time to book off work has been something I’ve thought about and didn’t know how to go about it? Have you told your colleagues what your getting done? Xxx

    Wendy 5

    I think after the first week you’ll feel better. I agree with Niamh l, the filing motion was a bit much even after two weeks. Had to file slowly!! It depends if you want ur colleagues to know. I didn’t tell mine because they don’t see them anyways and won’t tell a difference because I wear baggy shirts and hoodies anyways

    Niamh 6

    I’ve told my clients/colleagues purely because it’s an operation and if anything went wrong or the recovery time was longer than expected I’d have to then start explaining to everyone why I wasn’t back plus I’m self employed so I tbh think it’s made my clients less demanding for when I’m back as usually if it was a holiday I’d be back in the day after 9-9 where as I’m not doing 1 day like that until 2 weeks later xxx

    Becks 17

    Thank you everyone. I’m having under the muscle! I only work from home so I won’t be doing mobile and driving around luckily. I think on day 6 I will just stick to lashes as I know I will just be sat there then. I will leave nails for a few weeks as I can imagine the pain when filing and also brow waxing I think I will leave out. Thanks for all your advice! I will keep you all updated, all my clients are aware that I may have to rearrange them so that’s ok! 2 more days to go oh my god I’m getting so nervous now xxxx

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