Anyone selling Macom bra please? Started by: Catherine

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  • Catherine 7

    Is anyone selling one or two Macom bras size 36 (large)?
    Thanks x

    Mel 15

    Hi Catherine, I have 2 black Macoms, size 36. Originally bought from here so only want £10 each plus postage. Let me if you’re interested, I’ll post a couple of pics later? Xx


    Hi girls,
    I wrote it here so many times… I’ve had a very bad experience with used bras. My mum had a bad infection due to it. If you think that only washing helps to kill bacteria that are present during the healing proces, you are wrong. The bra is not suitable for more people. I know that compression bras are expensive, but may be try another brand that Macom, which is very overpriced. I wore bras and compression garments from Lipoelastic after my lipo and BA. The prices are really good and the comfort is perfection.

    Take care,

    Camilla .-)

    Catherine 7

    Hello, so sorry for late reply. Thank you very much , I have actually managed to get a couple of cheaper bras now.
    Thanks again
    Catherine xx

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