Bigger or smaller??! Started by: Charlotte

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    I’m 10 days post op and keep asking myself have I gone big enough?
    I’ve heard a lot of people say that once they are healed they always come out bigger than when you first had them done.
    Is this true?? What size was you straight after your op? And are you bigger now? X

    Julieg1 1

    I’m 7wks post op. I was 34b before and now 34D/DD. I was really depressed after wishing I’d gone bigger. Now I can wear bras I can decide how much I want to show them off. I think we all wish we’d gone bigger. If I could afford I would go bigger but I know that will never happen so I’ve started to love what I’ve got . Don’t worry they do change over time. I haven’t got a clue what size I was straight after as I just wore my macom and sports bra size 14/16. Hope this helps

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