Bloatedness Started by: Sam Morrison

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    Hiya girls been reading up on here… Alot of girls are saying about being bloated after their op? Does anyone know why this happens …i have my op may 20th 🙂 but I hate being bloated was just wondering if this happens to everyone xxxx

    Rhian 34

    I think it does hun I was bloated for about a week after my op not sure as to why we bloat though xx

    Monica 23

    It is because of anesthetic and post op pain killers , like co-codamol. . It happens to all of us I think 🙁 🙁 🙁

    Rosa 37

    The bloat is depressing but it gets better all of a sudden, I’m 5 days post op and back in my skinny jeans that i wore before, they felt a little snug on the belly but I’d say alot of my bloat does still need to go down so i’m not worried!! Its important to not give yourself a hard time over it, just try to eat well and look at the big boobies rather then the big belly 🙂

    Anete 4

    I’m afraid I have to agree with the others, it does happen to everyone due to anaesthesia and pain killers as these slow down the digestive system. But drinking a lot of water and trying to walk around (as much as you can) should help to improve things and resolve everything to go back to normal. So I read. I know though, they say to stay in bed and rest as much as possible… and to be honest for the first few days thats all you want to do too.
    Hope this helps x


    I had my surgery yesterday Hun I’m quite bloated still it’s the medication and I had a drip so that’s made me more bloated! You tend to get constipated from the cocodamol my nurse said to eat plenty of soft fruits etc like mangoes you don’t want any laxatives or senakot just want it to all soften ( sorry if it was tmi ) lol but I was worried bout that so at least I now know xxx

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