Blood on scars Started by: Abi

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  • Abi 46

    Hi girlies the nurse gave me the ok to take my plasters off now so I can finally have a shower!! My scars are looking neat but there is a lot of dried blood on them, anyone got any advise how to get it off? Or should I just leave them and it will come off over time? Sorry about the pic it’s a little gross lol

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    Niamh 6

    Hi chick mine looked like that and I thought it was just scabs so I left mine alone to just come off when they was ready xxx

    Goldie 29

    Hi Abi,

    I definitely wouldn’t try to force anything off (as tempting as it is) lol! It will all naturally dry itself out and fall off when it’s ready too. Plus if your able to shower now little bits will fall off when their soft too. Just pat them dry gently with kitchen towels but don’t rub with a towel or you’ll pull the healing about too much.

    Hope that helps. Happy healing Hun. Xx

    Jess 150

    I’d just leave it and let it come off itself. As they’re still healing you shouldn’t be washing the incisions in the shower but just letting the water run down them. It’ll be gone after a shower or two xxx

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