Boob job- partial (over and under the muscle) Started by: Ali

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  • Ali 1


    Has anybody had over and under the muscle and can recommend how long the pain will last. I got mine done yesterday and the pain is so so bad today.! X

    Amy 265

    I had partials was off my pain relief by day 3. I had simple paracetamol and ibuprofen. The pain I had was caused by trapped air and it was all in my shoulder blades. Without over doing it have a little walk and eat well and the trapped wind should go if that’s what’s causing your pain. If you are taking codeine it can cause constipation so drink plenty of water.

    Ali 1

    Thank you 🙂 when did your dizziness go down? X

    alex 7

    I had unders on Sunday. Day 2 is definitely the worst! I’m on day 4 now and off codeine just on ibuprofen & paracetamol. Hold in there 🙂

    Rose 9

    I had partials on the 30th and still have pain in 1 boob now stopped taking tramadol after day 5 eventhough the pain is still quite bad as i dont think it helped that much as pain is not constant mainly brought on by movement im just waiting it out now i cant imagine it will last much longer as iv got to get back to work. most people are fine after a week and stop taking painkillers around day 3/ 4 i think it just depends completely as the my other boob was fine after day 3 i think the painkillers actually slowed down my progress in the end. Good luck xx

    di ulysses 16

    i had partials yesterday and i’m only on paracetamols. have you rung the nurse to ask for stronger pain relief? i hope you feel better soon x

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