Bubble boob? Started by: Kayleigh

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    Hi! Had my op on Wednesday and ever since yestoday my right boob has been making a weird bubble noise? I’ve read it’s normal but I’m just checking!? Xxxx

    Yana 51

    Yeah mine did that too. Really weird feeling, scared me a bit so now not touching it much. Lol
    Apparently it goes away and re-absorbed. I hope so!


    Hi Kayleigh My PA said to expect this!! She said hers did it all the time!!! I’m booked in on Friday to go from an empty 36 b to having an extra 550cc!! Can’t wait but crapping it right now! haha!! Do you mind if I add you please! Hope your recovery goes well x x


    Thank you! Such a weird noise :p yeah sure xxxx

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