Can I go to a spa 6 weeks post op? Started by: ❤xpink91x

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    Would you be alright in a jacuzzi/hot tub at 6 weeks post op? Or would I have to put like plaster type things over my incisions…

    I have my 6 week check on the 18th October and then the day after I want to go for a spa break for my birthday …just wondering if you ladies have any advice?
    Thank you x

    Rinx ♥ 4

    Your not meant to soak them until your 6 weeks so I’m sure youl be fine just make sure the nurse says your incisions are ok etc! I ha a proper soak last week xxx


    I’m hoping she will say they are okay, if not I’ve got some like plasters that the nurse gave me to wear after she took my stereostrips off and said to wear them when I was in the shower for a few days so I might use them or I just won’t go in the water 🙁 cry!!! Fingers crossed all will be okay. 6 weeks seems so far away…..argh xx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    do they look ok now? I think youl be fine don’t worry! I know but it comes round quick 😀 x x x


    Yeah I’ve looked at them today and they’ve changed loads from yesterday? Didn’t even know that was possibly haha! Thanks Hun me 2 xx


    jelious ….how amazing to go to a spa and get some serious pampering , fingers crossed nurse gives u the all clear , I reckon youll be fine tho x x


    I know it would be great! Thanks Hun fingers crossed! Xx


    Hi, I’m almost 7 weeks PO and had my surgeon check up last night, he said no baths or jacuzzis for another 2 weeks.. So it will depend how your incisions are healing. I havent had any trouble with then but one still has a little scab so he said best to wait. Hopefully yours will get the all clear! Xxx

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