Day 1 post- Op very painful advise please! Xx Started by: Rose

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  • Rose 19

    Hi ladies I’m Day 1 today and it’s the worst pain ever. I had under 300cc HP. I can’t move my arms and get up without the help of my husband. Who else here experience this? How long it lasted? Xx

    Stacey 16

    I had 350cc unders a week ago today. The first day after my op and night were awful and I could barely get up by myself, I couldn’t extend my arms enough to reach anything that wasn’t a few cm away from me but as each day has passed I have quickly recovered and am able to do pretty much everything I could do before (going to try driving later!). My past week has gone so fast, it does get better! X

    Summa2011 10

    Oh Hun I’m sorry to hear your in so much pain. Are you keeping on top of your pain killers? My friend had unders and she was exactly how your sounding. If your feeling really bad call the nurses and double check your symptoms but I think it is normal. Hang in there darlin xx

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