Day 2 post op 275cc unders with mr marcellino. Started by: Chel

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  • Chel 31

    I arrived at 9:50 on the 23rd feb at the fitzroy London and was seen to my room by 10 (my admission time) the guy that saw us to my room barely spoke other than to call my name and tell me to put on a gown and give a urine sample, he then left with no info on how long I’d be waiting then at half 11 a nurse came in to take my blood pressure, give me some stockings and paper knickers, I felt like I was due on my period so she said I could wear a pad with the paper knickers. She said I’d have a long wait, I told her I was freezing cold she offered me a robe but never brought it to me. At around 1pm mr marcellino came in took a picture and drew on me and told me I would be having surgery in about an hour and a half.
    At 2:20 I was taken down/or up!

    I was asked a few medical questions and then a nurse put a mask on me I felt the cannula being put in my hand I began coughing really badly with the mask then I was out/asleep. (I wasn’t told I was being put to sleep at this point and I hadn’t seen mr marcellino at this point since hes drawn on me earlier on. He wasn’t there before the op or after when I came round (my husband joked how do you know he did it then and they didn’t just let anyone at you to do it like a newbie in training) at first I laughed now I’m worried!

    I woke up apparently very early only 5 mins after being taken off the anaesthetic I was freezing cold and shaking all over, they had a pipe under my covers blowing hot air on me! Then they took me back to my room I felt fine and they were surprised when I got myself off the operating bed and onto my own bed myself! 20 minutes later I was in complete agony, I’ve never been in so much pain in all my life! And I’ve had two children, a nurse came to check on me and gave me tea and toast I couldn’t lift the cup though. And felt sick eating the toast. And said shed be back with pain killers I waited over 40 minutes for them as I fell back to sleep but my husband said she hadn’t been back in with them anyway. When she gave them to me I told her I was desperate for a wee and was I able to go or did I need to wait for the drains to be removed? She advised I could go with them in and she would be back in 5 mins to help me. 10 minutes later she still hadn’t come back so my husband helped me. She came in half hour later and said “I just had a brain wave.. You need the toilet dont you!?” I was fuming, told her I’d already been as I had told her I was desperate!
    I told her I was still in agony and the pain killers hadn’t made a difference she gave me more again I had a long wait for them! I led in my bed crying whilst my husband tried to comfort me! All we could hear was the buzzer from other patients going of all day at least every 10 minutes it woke me up every time it went! I was told someone would be along in a bit to take my drains out I had to wait an hour till someone did. I was really worried about the drains coming out but the lady that did it must’ve been night staff as this was around 10 pm and she was lovely I didn’t feel a thing and she helped me in to my bra! Then she said as soon as I felt comfortable enough to go I could! We left just before 11pm and I felt sick on the walk back to the car (8mins) but when I got there I was glad to to be out and had a sleep in the car on the way to a relatives house we drove back home early the next morning and i spent the whole day in bed apart from toilet trips!

    Im still in agony and can barely move, my husband has had to feed dress and was me! Poor guy! Lol I don’t know if i have the strength to get downstairs today yet!

    I went with Mya as I liked the sound of there hospital at fitzroy and the care sounded good, but I was seen by 6 different people, told they’d be back in 5 minutes but they were much longer everytime!

    Sorry it’s not a great story but it was my day…

    Regina 38

    Hey, Chel sorry you’re experience wasn’t as good, the guy who saw us to our room in the beginning must of been the same one as with us as just didn’t quite seem to be with it, my fiance was joking he just stared back blakly haha.. very dopey, he didn’t even tell me to do my urine test. The nurse ran in to tell me but I’d already gone to the loo by then! Didn’t see Mr Marcellino after he drew on me either but his anaesthetist put me at ease (big guy) he was so skilled with the canular!. I’m wondering which nurse you got.. xx

    Regina 38

    How you feeling now? Stay in bed just in case… take all your meds and sleep sleep sleep, it will be over soon xxx

    Candy 58

    Bless you! Sorry you had a bad time. Good job you had hubby to take care of you! Hope you start to feel better soon xx

    Chel 31

    Hi @REGINA yeah probably same guy! I don’t know about nurse wise there were so many different people I seen! I’m hurting more today than yesterday! 🙁 my movement is very restricted the heels of my feet kill from being led in bed in one position! All I have done is whinge and moan! Struggling to see any positives!
    Feel like the strapping is digging into me incision although it can’t be as there’s surely a bandage if some sort there!

    lauram 10

    i am soooo nervous about my op now . obviously i know that everones experience is gonna be diff and i can’t be naive and think they’re all gonna be wonderful experiences but this is such a big deal to me and is an awful lot of money too so i want to be happy with everything. I am just going to be as calm and open minded as i can and hope that all goes well…at least i will be slightly prepared now i guess
    hope you at least have a great result and happy healing xx

    Charlene 13

    Hi Chel so sorry to hear what you went through. I hope you are feeling much better today hun and you are getting plenty of rest xx

    Chel 31

    Thanks ladies I have done sod all for 5 days! I’ve not been able to move from bed apart to use the loo! I’ve actually made it downstairs today though, and feel like a human being again!

    Sharks 149

    Am so sorry to hear you didn’t have such a great day. They must have been short-staffed or something. Everyone’s experience is different and one should have an open mind, and should be prepared for any negative or positive aspects that may come. It will all be worth it in the end when you’ve completely healed and hopefully achieved the beautiful boobies you’ve always wanted. Rest as much as you can and hope your healing goes well. xxx

    Chel 31

    Thanks @SHARKS Im gonna add you again I deleted my profile and then set it back up again after the op! X

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