Day 5 PO and in pain in my incisions :( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Was sailing through my recovery until last night and now I am in agony again :(. My incisions feel so tight it feels like someone is sitting on the bottom of my boobs- everytime I breathe in I get a sharp shooting pain. Also struggling to be in any position but laying down at the moment which is typical as today is my first day on my own with my kids. Was trying to ease off the strong painkillers as they make me drowsy but have already given in and taken one this morning.
    Hoping this is normal and hope it eases soon 🙁


    I have heard day 5 is the worse for a lot of woman. Just do your best and hopefully it’ll be bedtime before you know it xx


    I’m day 3 post op n the worse pain ever where incision is under my left boob, and I’m same only way I’m comfy is laid upright nightmare!!! Also r u really bloated? I feel 6 maths pregnant but hardly eaten anything it’s awful


    Hope you’re right Zoe.. Already counting down the hours till bedtime lol. My mother in law is on stand by though so tempted to ask her to come over later so I can go back to bed lol.
    Yes Laura exactly the same – mine is just in my right boob the left is ok at the minute. I am SO unbelievably bloated hun but I think it’s caused by the medication. I’m also convinced the tube they put down your throat in surgery doesn’t help as let’s in a lot of air. Hopefully things will start feeling better for us both very quickly. Thought things were so easy but typical things have got worse before they get better again 🙁

    Stephanie 1

    Hi, Hun yesterday at 5 days po, my incisions started to hurt me, felt like they went really tight and started to sting. Although today day 6 I’m fine. I wonder if it’s the skin mending it’s self. X


    Oh that’s promising Stephanie. To be fair I feel a lot better than I did when I first woke up but that’s probably just that the painkillers have kicked in.
    I’m feeling so much more with it within myself today though but really desperate to have a shower 🙁
    Have just uploaded my first bra-less pics- eeeek!

    Stephanie 1

    I just saw and commented. I haven’t had any co codamol for a few days now and just taking paracetamol when I feel I need to. I have started to do a few odd jobs in the house, I washed and dressed boy for school and put a wash load in. I’m still taking it easy. Although I’m dying to do the housework, a mans tidying is a little different from ours! Lol xx

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