Did your work colleagues notice? Started by: Karolina

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  • Karolina 42

    I’m going first day back to work when everyone will be in the office and I`m actually wondering if my work colleagues would notice…if so do I tell them? How was it for your ladies when you got back to work? xxx


    Iv been thinking about this but I think if they do they wouldn’t ask. Plus depends on what you wear xx

    Sophie Clare 17

    Im having off 11days including weekends. I work in an office and I am not telling them as I am not allowed sick pay as its optional surgery.. Ill be wearing baggy clothes !! xx

    Hannah H 31

    I’ve told a few people but I don’t think people would of noticed if I didn’t say. Even with 500cc mine don’t look that big especially in clothes…you can dress them up or down which is good I think as there are deffo times I don’t want to look ‘all boob’ haha. It was the same when I had my nose done no one noticed xx

    Cheynne 18

    I have this same problem! im at work now and just thinking whether i should tell them or not!! In a way i do because im excited but i just cant be bothered with all the questions like why? etc and im quite shy so dunno how i would bring it up! I suppose they will probably ask as im taking the week off work they will ask where im going etccccc xx


    Ive told everyone and im on maternity leave. I dont care what people think!! Xx

    Elizabeth 14

    Everyone I work with will know before I even have my op. I’ve told my boss already (as I need a day off next week for a consultation) and one of the girls i work with is having hers done in sept too. I suppose if you do want to tell them just drop it in to conversation, I imagine someone will ask why you’ve been off or what you’ve been up to while off work xx


    I work with all guys, just told them today-it was really hard! I think a lot didn’t know how to react but soon they gave me some banter. I’m kind of dreading the extra attention though

    Karolina 42

    Thanks ladies for your posts so I thought I would share my first day back at work. So I walked into the office where is about 8 of us and my boss popped in…….and she goes OMG did u get them done while touching her boobs….It made me speechless since everyone else turned around and looked at me…. I was bright red so was she when she realized what she did and then we all laughed…..she asked if it hurt etc and then being with me on our own she apologized and reassuring me how she didn’t meant to offend me only got all exited…….I would of never thought of my boss reacting that way but I liked it at the end since no more questions asked since now everyone knows hihi xxx

    Amy 265

    I have been back to work 3 days now. No one has noticed at all!!!
    My normal works clothes fit me the Same as my bras where so heavily padded before op. Until I am completely recovered I gonna keep it to myself as I work in a all female environment and know they will all want a look x

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