Dr Kazzazi, recent ops Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie

    Has anyone had him recently? Are you happy with the results? had to go back quite a few pages to find anything.

    I had my first meeting with my PC on Thursday and she recommended him. This will be my second op. (previously Harley)


    Ive had him 6 weeks post op tomorrow my left breast has settled great and dropped down bit my right is still high and strange shape from the side but I had a nipple lift on that side too so it maybe taking longer to heal as its still sensitive too got my 6 week check Wednesday so I’ll know more then but if the left is anything to go by they will look amazing and my nipples are now pointing in the same direction x


    I’ve had him twice, march last year and then in october, both wasn’t good for me unfortunately, personally from my expirience I wouldn’t recommend him obviously, but thats just me, loads of girls who got good results would. I wish I’d have gone with Mr traynor xx


    Ive had mr kazzazi, currently 4 weeks post op so feel free to add me, so far so good mine look great just hoping that they dont change!


    hi im 12 weeks post op with him. i chose hom because he is a reconstructive specialist and also works for rhe NHS!! they wouldn’t have him working for him he wasn’t good..also this makes him neyyer qualified than most of the cosmetic surgeons..mu left boob settled propeerly..buy he advises me that if it doesnt drop he will.fix it..you will be fine..all surgeons have good and bad, its who.you feel comfortable with and I felt really comfortable with him xx


    *better qualified x


    Hi Rachael,not many people on here seem to have had him but I am meeting with him on Monday. could I add you too please? xx


    I had him friday 10th may!
    So happy with the results!!!
    My boobs were so empty before now there hugeeee hhaa
    Love them! He is so nice aswel!
    Feel free to add me!
    I had 460 unders xxxxx


    Yes add away girls i have no complaints about him, lovely guy, qualified in 1988 so 25 years experience, he is also a reconstructive surgeon for breast cancer patients which is a very good reason to trust his work! Xx


    I’m two weeks post op with him and so far so good 🙂 heeled so much quicker than expected !! 🙂

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