Driving Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 13

    Just wondering how long it took everyone to feel comfortable driving again, after having unders? I’m having mine on Tuesday but am due to drive nearly an hour and half on Friday night (all motorway and know it very well). Would this be possible?

    Thanks! Xxx

    Sophia 10

    Probably not tbh hun.
    I’m now 3 weeks post op. I started driving again after 2 weeks but even now I’m still struggling with gear changes and feeding the steering wheel for turning. Not meaning to scare u but at 3 days post op your likely to still be in a lot of pain plus the pain killers make u drowsy and they dnt recommend u drive for at least a week after general anaesthetic. Sorry

    Cliona 42

    I’m 8 days post op 350 unders, I drive an auto and I’m still too sore to drive. I’m off pain relief but turning the wheel just wouldn’t happen right now, I’d feel like something was going to burst. Lol.

    I’d say at 3 dpo you won’t even want to be a passenger in a car if I’m honest. Sorry! 🙁

    Katie 13

    That’s what I thought don’t worry!! Was just trying to figure out a way to get to the boyfriends as family work all weekend. Will just be prepared with food etc and camp up in bed! Xx

    Natalie G 12

    Id say not likely the seatbelt, the gears, the bumps i couldnt drive till day 8 even then i couldnt close boot or door lol

    Natalie G 12

    Also Im sure Dr traynor told me my insurance wouldnt be covered. x

    Louise 24

    Noooo I’d say 2 weeks off driving at least. Dont risk opening up your stitches or getting in an accident – drugs deffo make you drowsy


    I couldn’t drive until 10DPO and it was still hard. I did it cos I had no choice as it was to go see my surgeon for a check as I was worried about my left boob and had no one available to take me midday all being at work. Used 2 hands to bang car into reverse and even putting seat belt on a strain. Could hardly pull door round to shut it! I must have looked pathetic. I’ve had unders. 13DPO today and I’m still struggling so moved to my hubbies automatic, bit easier. I certainly wouldn’t advise driving so soon. Obvs were all different and I have really suffered but you don’t want to do any damage to the work or even worse an accident ! Sorry just my opinion. It’s serious stuff. Unders are very painful. X

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