Feel completely defeated and drained Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 31


    So if you don’t know the back story, my operation was originally scheduled for 26th August, at my pre-op MRSA came back as positive in my nose. I was put on a week long of antibiotics and then had to go back for three lots of swabs… The last ones were positive. So my operation was cancelled and provisionally rearranged for the 30th September, I was put on another weeks worth of antibiotics and nasal cream I had to apply four times daily. I then had to go back again for three lots of swabs.. I had my first lot of swabs again and all was negative. Well I made the call to check the results of my second lot of swabs and they’ve come back positive again! I’m completely drained and defeated at this point. I’m now waiting for them to get back to me, but it’s pretty certain my operation won’t be able to go ahead on the 30th now either. I’ve followed all the instructions of the antibiotics so I really don’t know what else I can do.

    My doctors are so uncooperative as well so it’s making me extremely anxious at the fact I’ll probably have to go back to them again.

    I know there’s probably nothing anyone can advise but would just like some support seen as no one else seems to understand as it’s ‘just a boob job’ to them 🙁

    lindsey 123

    so have you not had your boobs done yet then? and that’s awful hun sorry to hear your having a bad time bet its a pain waiting about I do feel bad for you and I understand how u feel . what is MRSA i am having my pre op on Monday and when will they tell me my results after the swab. xxxxx
    really hope you get the results soon

    Nia 10

    Oh gosh I remember reading your posts about a month ago, I completely empathise with you. I was so excited counting down to my op, so to think that yours keeps getting delayed you must be devastated. Hope it all sorts out for you, everything happens for a reason just use this time to keep preparing for your op and when the time comes at least you will be 100% prepared xx

    Charlie 29

    Oh no charlotte ((big hugs))

    have they said what could be causing it there must be something causing it to come back positive , x x

    Melissa 3

    I was only thinking of u a few days ago, how disappointing for you. MRSA is my big concern, I have 6 month twin boys and one of them was placed in isolation when he was in intensive care as he has MRSA on his skin…. Like u, daily wash and 2 lots of antibiotics and he still couldn’t get rid of it. He was due an op this month but at his pre op, MRSA was still on his skin, apparently some people are carriers and others are not… Can they not give you the wash to use permanently? I hope you do get sorted….good things come to those who wait! Xxx

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