Finance Started by: Kimberly

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    Anyone help me out on how they do their finance? What company do they use? Got a bad credit rate.. So need to keep my options open xxx

    Cascada 1

    hey kimberly!! ive got my surgeon consultation tomorrow and im definatly planning on using finance….i had a brief chat with my pc in the first consultation about it, as far as i know the finance company they use is their own…part of mya…,or at least thats what she told me! im hoping they will tell me tomorrow if i can do it, although im not sure what i need to take in order to apply and be told tomorrow…..anyone advice on that? il let youknow what they say about it tomorrow! 🙂 xx


    Its called 1to 1 finance and I was told its a separate company from Mya. If you want to apply for finance you call them or they call you and they ask you lots of questions and go off and do the check and call you a few hours later and let you know the result. x

    Cascada 1

    Ah thanks karrin! 🙂 that’s really helpful I shall give them a call tomorrow! X


    No probs hun x


    I was supposed to get a phone call off them but haven’t received one yet so maybe il ring them instead does anyone know the number for them? How did your surgeon consultation go? I’ve got mine on the 19th not sure what to expect xxx

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