Friend request etiquette! Started by: Trace

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  • myamoderator 138

    Hi All
    if you are concerned about a person authenticity please inform the moderator directly rather than post in a thread.

    Love MYA Mod


    Yana 51

    @tracyface, if you don’t reject them, and leave it pending- they can’t send another request and can’t get onto your profile either;) leave it pendibg, not worth losing nerve cells over it. It’s annoying I know, it maybe even automatic thing getting data or some creepy teenager getting some thrills.

    Yana 51

    @myamoderator, I think it’s safe to say we are concerned with the owner of profile: petra-steiger, who has no comments or post and not replying to any messages, only adding persistently other post op ladies. Is there any ways of verifying their authenticity?

    Trace 158

    Bumping this thread as I’ve had another request from a member who looked suspicious, but they have now been removed. They had 150+ (including recently added) post op friends.

    Again just urging you all to check for any activity on profiles who are sending you friend requests.

    If in doubt, email a Mya mod and they will check the profile and act accordingly x

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