Getting in touch with PC!!! Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 1

    Does anyone find it really hard to get In touch with their Patient co-ordinator after their operation?????

    becky 13

    I literally haven’t heard a word from my pc sinse I paid for the surgery 8 weeks ago. She told me originally how she was addicted to her job and will always get straight back to me and that she would be in my face straight after surgery etc etc but literally nothing. Tbh I think they are all the same and I do agree they are just after their cut of your money. The nurses are more reliable x


    Agree PCs are quite fake and just want money. Mine said she would ring me after my op and didn’t. I had to ring and text 6x before she returned my calls pre op.
    It’s all sales I think mya wants to lure you in with the friendly hand holding experience. But it’s nothing like that in reality. Also I think for 5k you should be provided some sort of bespoke service. Hopefully mine turn out well so it’ll be worth it. It’s all about your surgeon anyway PC Is just a marketing and sales gimmick

    Jessica 15

    Hi Hun maybes just call her number? Depending what it’s about if I’m worried about anything I email the nurse, personally my pc has been really good and has txt me every week since my op and the day after op checking I’m ok. Xx

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