Having a PO wobble :( Started by: Samantha

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  • Samantha 1

    Hi girls! I had my surgery on 11/7/16 …. I had 320cc over the muscle! Although I am pleased with the overall size I am just slightly upset as they don’t seem to be very rounded? Could this be because they still need to fluff out and reshape? I have never had a cleavage so I certainly don’t expect one now but I also feel as though the gap in between my boobs has got worse….. I thought going over would prevent this as I assumed they would be more rounded which would make them look closer together?? I could be wrong! Has any girls had any experience with this…. Is there much change with over the muscle breasts as the weeks progress?? Thanks so much!!xx

    Amber 72

    Hi hunni, I had over the muscle yesterday and my breasts seem very cone shaped. Do not worry! Overs do also drop and fluff out, you will start to see a change once they start to settle. Pacients is key! Also overs do tend to get bigger over the following months x

    Helen 19

    Don’t worry I had my op on the 11th and mine are a bit of a weird shape too. They will settle down when they drop and fluff. Mine look even bigger today. Feel like I’m going to pop out of the macom bra! When you look at photos that other ladies have put on here they change so much over 6 weeks. Hope you are healing well and feel ok x

    Jemma 2

    I had my op yesterday and mine arnt the perfect shape yet.. I also have one bigger then the other (which I did before hand too) and was told they will equal out over the next few weeks x

    alice 42

    I think from seeing other girls pics on here, that they really do change over time! Although if you are overly concerned, I would speak to someone at Mya for peace of mind. I’d wait and see how they develop x

    Samantha 1

    Thanks so much for your replies girls….. I think they are just so swollen and look a funny shape at the moment but I am sure they will fluff out! Thanks so much for all your reassuring comments….. How are you all feeling after your ops?xxx

    Helen 19

    Hi Samantha it’s 2 days since my op and I’ve started to feel a lot better this afternoon although still swollen and sore but able to move more. How is your recovery going? X

    Samantha 20

    I wouldn’t worry I’m two weeks post op tomorrow and mine have changed so much already they are really starting to get a rounded shape and look normal! Xx

    Samantha 1

    Hi @helenlouisew aww great so pleased you are starting to feel better… I must admit I am the same I am starting to feel more normal! Are you pleased so far with your results?

    aww that’s very reassuring to know thank you! Did you go over too? I do feel like mine are starting to change already and it’s only been 2 days… It’s such an emotional rollercoaster isn’t it? I hope I have tagged you girls right I am useless lol xxxxx

    Helen 19

    Samantha I’m so pleased with my results they are better than I ever imagined! X

    Samantha 20

    Mine were Partials, it is such a roller coaster especially with them changing everyday! It’s so hard to be patient too, I’m such an impatient person just wish they would drop and heal up so I can wear all my bras! X

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