headaches? Started by: aimsybee

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    Had my ba Friday just gone, on last day of co-codomol today, feel like I’ve had a constant headache since Friday. Not sure if it’s where I’m sleeping upright or not drinking enough water with all the pain killers?

    Has anyone else had this? Getting me down a bit as feel so groggy? ! Xx


    General anesthetic can cause headaches..its quite a common side effect. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and keep up with the pain killers. That and plenty of rest & hopefully you will feel better soon hun x


    I had it from about day 3 or 4. I went really groggy and sickly and woke up with a headache for about 3 days in a row. Think it was all a mixture of the medication and don’t think the sleeping position helped either. It went eventually though x

    charlie1 -3

    I had it really bad, I even went to my gp I was that worried! The headaches far outweighed any boobie pain! X


    Yeah I phoned incase too! mixture of everything and antibiotics too i think.
    thank you guys 🙂

    Still feeling very spacey though without too much of a headache the last few days – just don’t feel right! xx


    I was so bad I thought I was dying at one point lol I was like a zombie for a week I felt better after day 8 xx

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