Help !? Started by: Chelsie

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  • Chelsie 5

    How po was use before wearing normal bras? Sports bras are driving me crazy 😕 I’m just past 2 weeks po and just wanting to wear a normal bra or go about without my sports bra haha.

    Courtney 6

    I’m only POD 5 so I wouldn’t actually know but so far i’ve been told at least 6 weeks of wearing your sports bras or macoms day and night before you can wear normal underwired bras. Saying that though I’ve seen some girls on here getting rid of their sports bras earlier! 6 weeks is the guideline but I think it could depend on the person and how your incisons are healing and such x


    Hi Chelsie i went for a check up with the nurse at 5 weeks and was told I could get measured and wear normal bra’s. Have you had your two week check up with the nurse if so are your stitches healing well? X

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