HELP open wound! Started by: Megan

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  • Megan

    So I’ve just noticed a hole on one side where my incision is! No pain or anything but worried! 4 weeks post op now too x


    Phone the hospital that preformed the op and talk to them I’m not familiar with mya but I presume you have a out of hours post op number to call or something like that as I have , see what they say for you to do

    aprile 1

    When i noticed a small hole i panicked and rang the nurse, (manchester clinic) they were o nice and fantastic service. They saw me straight away and just put some sterastrips on, and another plaster over the top. Xxx


    Oh no! I’m in a similar position but only 2 weeks post op. I was meant to have my 2 week app today but had to work and the only time
    I could rearrange was Friday. But whilst at work I got a weird rash on my neck and chest which lasted quite a few hours. When I got home and had a look at my plasters it looked like the end of my incision was weeping yellowish stuff. So I panicked and removed the plaster to change it which uncovered and took some skin or a slightly bigger hole like thing! I’m
    really panicked now and don’t know whether to ring the emergency number or not! Help!!


    Call it you have paid for it doesn’t matter if it’s 4 am don’t panic call it that’s what it’s for x


    I will ring first thing in the morning. Won’t be able to go to the clinic though as I don’t live Close ahh! Anyone think be ok to treat my wound myself until my 6 week appointment on the 20th? That’s my only option just scared it’s going to get infected. Guess just call nurse and find out tomorrow, thanks for the advice though:). And jade I would d just call the nurse aswell to put your mind at ease I’m going to do that x


    I had one and a plaster ontop for a week sorted it. It was a stitch trying to break through x

    Laura 13

    I had same thing. Was told to keep it covered but that just made it worse. I let the air get to it and it sorted itself out.

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