Help tablets! Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 6

    So op is all done and over with I now have boobies :))))))

    I know the doctor did explain what I can and can’t take together etc but I think I was still a little drugged up haha!

    I know I’ve got to take the antibiotics 3 times a day for a week but can I take cocodamal that they gave me aswell?

    Not in much pain just very achey just want to take something for that….?

    Chelsie 20

    I take 2 cocodamol with every 1 antibiotic which I take with every meal each day I’m 5 days post op x

    Daria m 26

    It all depends how you react on cocodamol, I was sick after it so I was taking paracetamol x eat some natural yoghurt when you taking antibiotic

    Cliona 42

    You should’ve been given a post operative instructions for patients sheet at discharge?

    Lists what meds and for how long. If you didn’t get one call your nurse. General rule of thumb is Antibiotics for 7 days, painkillers 5-7 days up to 4 times in 24 hours, if you had unders you will have Robaxin too, take these 4x a day for 5 days only.

    No medicine from your own home cupboard. Only Arnica can be taken on top. No full showers or baths for 14 days.

    Only baby wipe clean top half, do not use a flannel/towel for 14 days on your top half, they are crawling with bacteria (yes even clean ones) this is how most girls end up getting infections once given the ok to shower the area as the nurse should say use a hair drier on incisions not your usual bath towel.


    Amy 6

    I’m not suffering with any pain at all…just ache when I try to move in and out of bed and move things! I had unders and have been give cocodamal and antibiotics.

    I’m so itching to see the new boobies but got this bandaged on and assume I have to leave it on till I next meet the nurse in a weeks time?

    I just want a wash this is all I was dreaming after my op. Even though I have had unders im not I’m much pain unless I move I guess I am very lucky! X

    Stefanie 9

    They do recommend you stop taking cocodamal as soon as possible and take just take paracetamol instead , it can cause some side effects and can be addictive too.

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