High VS moderate profile Started by: C1990

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  • C1990 2

    Hey girls,

    Has anyone on here had moderate profile? I’m currently high profile but I really want a wider look.. Not overly wide but just more side boob than I have and am planning to re op to about 400cc. Would I need to change profiles or keep to high profile?


    If you go mods chick they will be flatter in shape to what you got now what adice have u been given ? And had you look uhp? Xx

    marlena 4

    Hi c1990… Hope u dont mind me adding u. I have hp overs 275cc/350cc. I was advised to have moderate profile, unders. My op will be this month 28th. Doc.could not say what size cup.id end up being…thats all im worried about..hope they dont end up smaller. He did say that they will b wider and 1cm less in projection. Im ok with that, they look like 2golf balls stuck to my chest at the mo, and no cleavage. Ill put up pics gradually:-)

    C1990 2

    Oh really! I hope all goes well for you. Make sure you tell him you don’t want to look smaller. good luck! @inglesina x

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