How long until you can….? Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie

    I am not sure if anyone has ever asked this question – but I am having a BA and Tummy Tuck (without muscle repair) on Wednesday next week. How long would you say post op until you can have sex? I am chuckling to myself writing this, but im sure some other people may have thought about it too! Also cos of the TT was thinking it would be at least 3 – 4 weeks or so??? I didnt even think about asking the nurse!
    so excited – just need my admission time now! eeek!

    Kim 1

    Depends on how u feel they say 6 weeks but girls do it before. I was up for it 5 days after lol just make sure u don’t squish them and nothing that will cause bouncing keep ur sports bra on during lol


    Lol thank you! I’ve already told my boyfriend to keep his hands off them for minimum of 6 weeks! Will judge it based on how I feel and they are healing 🙂 thanks again! Xx

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