How long was it before you could wash your hair on your own? Started by: Adele

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  • Adele 29

    I’m 5 days post op and I realllllly want to wash my own hair and be able to styling it comfortably but right now I can’t move my hands above me head.

    How long did it take before you could wash and style your own hair?

    Ellie 279

    It took me until about 10 days! I had to wash over the bath tho as I didn’t have a shower at the time (got one now haha) but even then when I blow dried I could use my right arm but not really my left xx

    esia704 7

    Hi @ADELE,

    I washed mine over the bath with shower head at 6 days hun… x

    Emma 7

    Hiya I’m 9 days post op, had my first shower yesterday at 8 days and could just about to wash my hair but couldn’t style it after! Just about managing to put it up in a bun everyday, I can’t wait to style it properly! Hopefully won’t be too much longer as I can get my arms abit higher everyday 🙂 xxx

    Donetta 3

    I showered and washed my hair day 7 ??????? it felt great lol ??

    Kate 9

    I washed my hair 5 days post op no problems. Drying and straightening was no problem either which was good because I couldn’t reach back to put my hair up xx

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