I am raging Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 41

    I’m so upset. My pyschiatrist was supposed to send my letter Monday, he didn’t. Then yesterday assured me it would be faxed yesterday. Phoned MYA this morning and surprise surprise nothing through from him. So have just phoned and he’s again assured me it will be sent this afternoon. But I am losing faith in him. When I told him it was a matter of urgency as my op is 9 days away he simply relied with well if there’s any problems have mya phone me. Ugh that’s not good enough it was supposed to be sent Monday so mya can decide what they are going to do. I’m getting so angry about it all now. The letter is supposedly written all that needs to be done is for it to be sent. Why is it that hard. I feel bad as I keep telling my PC it will be tomorrow to find out he hasn’t sent it. And obviously they can’t give me any info until they have it which is totally understandable. I just wish it could be sorted simply x


    Hey my lovely did u tell him to fax it over that’s wot I did for my bloods xx

    Nicole 41

    Yes 🙁 he was going to post and I reqyester a fax which he agreed to but he still hasn’t done it x

    miley 17

    I would ask may to contact him then he will have no choice. You’ve paid may a lot of money so its up to them aswel xx

    Zoe Jordan 17

    Could you go down there and get the letter yourself to give to your PC? Then you’re safe in knowing it’s finally done x

    Nicole 41

    He won’t give me the letter. I have already asked that one unfortunately. So the only thing I can do is to wait and see if he faxes it. Ive text my PC so am just waiting on a reply. If I don’t hear anything by about 6 from either my pyschiatrist or mya I will be on the phone again. I’m crossing everything he keeps his word and faxes over tonight. But I dont know. I’m sick of getting my hopes up for them to be crumbled because he can’t seem to be bothered to fax over a simple letter. Xxx

    Sophie 123

    Oh hun that’s awful! Can’t believe they still haven’t sorted it, surely he has 10 mins to send a fax! Hopefully if may ring him he’ll shift his arse into gear xx

    Nicole 41

    He’s still not sent it. It’s 7pm. I’m at a loss.

    Nicole 41

    It’s a week tomorrow. A week of not knowing. A week of stress after stress after stress. I hate this. I have 9 days til my op, if it even goes ahead. I’m supposed to be excited and right now I’m sat in my bedroom in tears because I’m still at a point where I don’t know what’s going on. If I didn’t want boobs and want this done so desperately I would never have put myself through this. And I don’t even know if there’s going to be a good outcome. Sorry for all the negative posts recently girls I’m just sick of being stuck in limbo with the whole thing. I think you can all understand as we all seem to feel exactly the same when it comes to our boobs. Xxx

    Sophie 123

    Maybe ask if MYA will contact him tomorrow and tell him how urgent it is? Really unprofessional of him! I’m sure it will all get sorted in the end so try not to let it stress you and ruin your experience! So unfair to you and even more annoying as you know you’re in a fine mental state. Xx

    Sophie 123

    Oh bless you didn’t see your next comment before I posted. Cant imagine having to go through this aswell as surgery nerves! I really feel for you hunny. No need to apologise, we’re all hear to support each other xx

    Nicole 41

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    I’m gonna have to huni. I’m so upset. I’m fuming too. I can’t believe how lightly he is treating this. I’m 9 days away ffrom surgery. I have things I need sort still and now it’s all been put on hold in case it gets cancelled my other half has booked time off work to look after our son while I recover and now we aren’t even sure if he needed to. I’m not even sure he will be able to cancel time off and if he can’t I doubt he will be able.to get any more off as he’s only got 3 days left for this year out of his holiday days as he books most of it early so it gets approved. I just wish I could find a way to give him a kick up the back side and make him fax my letter. Xxx


    Hey can I ask sorry to be nosey just I’m under a psychiatrist to, do u have u to have his say so to be able to have new boobies or something because your under one, ? Sorry if I sound stupid.
    Just doing my research at the mo you see.


    Hi Nicole I had the same problem when I booked my op last year! 3 days before my op, my Doctor máde a flippant comment about wether I Was mentally ready to have a Boob Job or not (ive wanted them done since i Was 15 and Im Now 23 ), so my Mya surgeon had to ask for aproval basically. I Was beside myself so i can fully understand how you are Feeling, for me i had 2 days to get This letter and my Doctors surgery were being absoloutely bloody useless (and rude to me when i tried to explain the urgency, really not help fully!) but In the End myPatient coordinator Louisa rang up and had a word With the person In charge and i got my letter !:) 1 Year later Im Still so thankful that she called the Doctor for me as they Just werent Taking me seriously! I would seriously ask your patient co ordinator to ring up and ask, and if they still can’t get you the letter im confident Mya will re arrange your surgery for the next available date (frustrating I know) but please don’t give up hope! You will get there eventually :)! Xxxx

    Nicole 41

    Hi natalie. I had to have my pyschiatrist write to confirm I was discharged. Basically if I wasn’t discharged I was told they probably wouldn’t do it. So if your looking into getting it done I would ask them if it matters that your still under him or not huni! Pain in the bum I know.
    Amanda oh you totally get what I went through then, it’s so awful isn’t it. Luckily they got his letter and I have since had my admission time which my pc has said she wouldn’t get if I wasn’t cleared for surgery so fingers crossed. I am booked for this Friday! Eeeek x


    Hey, thanks for replying
    Ohh no really hmmm, I might talk to my psychiatrist when I see him soon then too. That’s a bit of a crap one lol. Hope it doesn’t have any effect on it.
    Glad you got yours sorted though. Xxx

    suzanna 2

    I feel your pain, i have bipolar and was in hospital 3 times this year after having a post partum psychosis I have been stabilish now for about 2 months and I had my op booked 26th jan, on the 23 rd I still hadn’t got the all clear and my op was postponed by one week after my gp made a flippant comment about my mental health. my psych cleared my for surgery in the end and i had it done 4th feb. don’t stress if they reschedule you will be a priority for another date asap.

    dont stress! xx

    Nicole 41

    Natalie have a word with them before you go for pre op. Try get a letter before then. I think mine was a worry because it was for anxiety and an eating disorder so obviously body image related but I’m fine and still booked in. Try not to worry too much just get all the info beforehand if you can as it will save stress. If you need any help pm me as I know what it’s like.

    Suzanna omg what a nightmare it’s always gp’s that make such stupid comments. Mine failed to tell them it was a self referal that I paid for so mya obviously had to make sure I wasnt a nut case. If they had just specified I could have been saved the stress. Glad you got it sorted huni! Xx

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