I can feel my implant moving!! Worries Started by: Emma Beacham

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    I’m 14DPO, appear to be healing well.
    Still tender but starting to drop now, however in my left
    Breast I sure I can feel the implant moving. Feels likes it’s going to move. I told the nurse last week and she said it’s air bubbles but it’s getting worst.
    I’ve had 400cc overs, the swelling is nearly all gone, no brusing just can’t wait to get the dressings off as they make me itch.



    sabrina 92

    I shouold imagine everything makes us worry, think the worst and get scared…. at your next apppointment tell them again or give them a ring and that will help you feel a better.. there moving and settling into place now arent they .. hense prob what your feeling, but ring them sometimes just to hear again what causes the feeling will make u less anxious xx

    sera 10

    mine feels like this too, mine also feels like when you hit a nerve sometimes but i’m not sure whether that’s just the nerves healing, i can feel as if the implant is rubbing on the incision, worries me but a lot of people on here said they’ve felt this so i think it is normal xx

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