I had my first GYM session in 6 weeks today Started by: salwa

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  • salwa 22

    So after 6 weeks I can finally work out!
    Ladies that lift you understand it’s horrid taking time off 🙁 but I smashed legs as much as I could today and I’m in agony! Hoepfully I end up in even better shape and with the boobies I have the confidence to compete 🙂

    salwa 22

    Oh my gosh I struggled haha

    Francesca 14

    I’m back TOMORROW before work! SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I’m also planning to smash legs. To the point where I can’t walk! I want to be back doing upper body as well but will work my way up by doing legs and cardio, then core, then try some arms and back stuff before I try functional moves (burpees sound horrendous right now!) 😀

    I’m making a plan to make sure I can get back in shape. I think 6 weeks should do it. If it took 6 weeks to get out of shape, surely it would take less to get it back!?


    Ahhh I’m only 1 week post op and I can’t wait to get in the gym only 5 more weeks to go 🙁 I already feel like I’ve lost all my muscle haha! Xxx

    Sasha 5

    Arghh Salwa I’m so jealous. I’m four weeks Saturday. I don’t lift but I do a lot of HIIT and running and it’s killing me. I’m not skinny anyway as I love my food so I’m turning into a blob! Ah well…at least I’ve got great tits now! Xx

    Trace 158

    Hoping to start back tomorrow after my 6 week check!!!

    Pennelope 7

    Gosh your time has gone so fast Salwa. I’m dreading not being able to lift getting as much upper body done now as possible as my op is first week in June. Hope you are happy with your results xx

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