I'm so gutted about my bacne since my op!! Started by: ducky01

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  • ducky01 4

    Devastated that 4 weeks after my op I got acne back on my back & down my arms since my op after 4 years of not having it & after spending £6000 to better myself :/ it could be anything from my hormones after surgery, a build up of sebum (producing bacteria) & dead skill cells from not being able to shower for over 4 weeks due to slow healing- strip washing obviously wasn’t enough but I’ve had my pill changed to a special acne one, told to exfoliate & to either use witch hazel or tea tree then to only use non fragranced shower gels & to avoid getting conditioner on my skin which I’ve done so now I’m on antibiotics for 6 months called tetralysal..anyone heard of these? Been on them 3 weeks but no improvement, staying positive! Also been looking into ‘the private clinic’ & ‘Nlite laser acne treatment’ think I should request some information? Anyone else suffering? It’s so painful xx

    Cherry91 -1

    Awww sorry to hear that (hugs) iv broken out in spots all over my face, never normally get them, I wonder why alot people get this after op :/ xxx

    Meggies 1

    Awww ducky I’m gutted for you!!! Is there any creams you can try xx


    I’m the same as you, always struggled with it. I tried loads from the doctor and eventually I got referred to the dermatologist at the hospital for course of Roaccutane. Serious stuff but I don’t get it on my back or chest anymore. I still get it on my face cause I’m on the mini pill so have to take antibiotics to counteract the progesterone. Haven’t had your one, I’ve got lymecycline which is alright. I had oxytetracycline for ages when I was younger but they won’t offer it to me again. They all seem to take about six weeks to really get working. Worst thing is people who don’t have acne don’t understand it. They think you wash your face too much or too little or eat the wrong foods. Nothing to do with those, it’s just the way our skin works. : ( x


    I really struggled with acne too and like Ellie eventually I was put on Roaccutance via the dermatologist… It took a while to work but I’ve been off it nearly three months now and my skin is loads better! It might be worth asking your doctor to refer you but most Drs don’t like to as roaccutane is seen as a last option as it has some pretty intense side effects and it also affects the way your skin heels so it might not be a good idea four weeks post op.
    Tetralysl is actually the branded version of lymecycline so its the same drug… my brother was on it and it did work well for him so fingers crossed it works for you! I probs wouldn’t wait three months though you should see an improvement from two. Before I got referred to the dermatologist the Dr put me on oxytetracycline and adapalene gel and said to come back if it didn’t work in 8 weeks but I went back in about 5 kicking up a fuss and she referred me straight away 🙂
    Sorry for the information overload I’m a pharmacy student and work in a pharmacy so a bit off a geek when it comes to drugs! xx


    Omg ducky I am the same! It looks bloody horrific I’ve got it on my chest too!! All I wana do is wear a low cut top to show the girls off and I can’t…devastated 🙁 going back to the docs as I got taken off the strongest pill (Dianette) and got given a cream and it just isn’t working…want referring to the dermatologist…bloody ridiculous, still suffering from teenage skin at the age of 24!!!! Xx

    Rachel -1

    Ducky how long have you been on the special piill and is called Dianette? I used to be on it. You’ll start to see a diff after about a month of that. Xx


    Ducky01 I totally know what you mean!
    I still suffer with my skin now at nearly 23 but mine is on my
    face and I feel that any little thing I do it doesnt need an
    excuse to flair up! like yesterday for my lipo op
    had to take my make up off and as soon as I did it flaired up 🙁
    Hope it goes back down soon for you

    ducky01 4

    Ladies I must’ve just wrote the biggest essay when my phone just turned off & logged me out 😐 so just going to take some chill out time before I even attempt writing all of that again lol so bare with me, brb 🙂 xx

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