Impatient! ! Started by: lauram

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  • lauram 10

    im only 4days post op and am starting to turn a corner pain wise.had 350unders on monday.but am sooo desperate for strapping to come off so i can see my new boobs. so hard to tell how big they are etc now as a lot of the boob is covered so im annoyin everyone sayin they dont look big enough and im not sure shape is going to be right. did anyone else have this or am i just bein too impatient. have to wait till Wednesday for strappin to come off too!!

    lauram 10

    hav uploaded couple pics but as i said not much to see as it’s all strappin mostly x


    @LAURAM I think all of us were the same hun to be honest. You only have a few days to go until strapping off so don’t worry to much. Don’t forget that with unders especially they take the longest time to drop and fluff therefore will take a while for you to be able to see how big they actually are and what shape they are going to be. It’s a waiting game im afraid. Congrats hun xx

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