is it all going wrong please read Started by: trish

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  • trish 1

    i will be 5 weeks post op thursday, for the last 2 days iv had terrieble pains in my right breast around my scar,shooting pains to the nipple, the implant seems to move and feels lose,also this morning i woke up with no feelings to my left arm it feels numb just thought it might be the way i slept but its not gone away,i can not lift my arm above the shoulder so worried something is not right, both breast feel so diffrent can any one else relate xxx


    Think you need to speak to a nurse, doesn’t sound quite right. Haven’t you got your 6 week check up soon?

    trish 1

    yeah next week tried calling today she said she would get back to me but hasnt ill ring again in morning,


    Oh no! How are you feeling now? I get the shooting pains in my right nipple sometimes for no reason but I’ve never heard of someone’s arm going numb- at 5 weeks you assume you’re over the worst 🙁

    Hope you’re ok hun, let us know how you get on xx


    I would ask to see someone Hun to put your mind at rest xxxx

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