Is this normal? Started by: Tracy

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  • Tracy 35

    Hi Girls really need some advice I’m 9 days post op today and had 500 cc uhp, I’m really pleased with the size but I noticed when I had the strapping on my right breast was way more painful than the left and seemed higher, when I had my strapping removed the nurse said it was definitely higher and harder than the left she told me to keep an eye on it over the next week but if it didn’t change to go straight back, took a photo today and it seems to be getting worse, I’m not in loads of pain with it just a slight amount and I think it is getting softer, I’m just concerned as when I was in hospital I had a really clumsy nurse who dropped my drain and no air came out of the right but it did the left! Don’t know if I’m just being paranoid!!! I’m keeping on top of the ice but must admit I’m starting to freak out now, do you think they could just be dropping at different times, please any advice would be great fully received x x x x I will try and add a pic if it doesn’t work feel free to add me x x x

    Tracy 35

    Sorry photo said it was yo big to load, but have a look at profile xxx

    Tracy 35



    Hi Tracy. Is it any better today?

    Sarah 1

    Hi Tracy

    I’m having the exact same issue! Trying to ice it as much as possible but it’s not going down. Im now worrying it’s got bigger but i’m hoping it’s just the other one dropping and fluffing. I’m seeing the nurse again tomorrow to get my stitches out so will let you know what she says 🙂 xx

    Temi 29

    Hi tracy, am 2weeks post op, and my left boob has dropped a lot better than my right, and most of the girls on here say its normal, as muscles in each breast try to relax differently. I would suggest its no cause for alarm yet, but like your nurse said- keep an eye on it…happy healing babe.

    Tracy 35

    Thanks everyone, I’ve had ice on it literally all day, I think it’s starting to go down, can you guys have a look at my profile and I will upload today’s, I don’t think I would be that worried if it wasn’t for what happened with my drain, hopefully just being paranoid x x x

    Tracy 35

    Just added a picture from tonight, it’ looks like swelling is going down x x x

    esia704 7

    Tracy…they look fabulous…bang on…i can see what you mean on the previous picture but you have defo done a good job taking the swelling down…well done ?? x

    Tracy 35

    Thanks so so much girls ESIA704 I have literally iced all day can’t believe the difference it has made, Sarah thanks a lot please let me know what the nurse says, Temi yours are looking amazing Hun, Suzanne I’ve added you if that’s okay, was really getting concerned do you have any pics on how yours looked, Sarah not sure if we’re friends if not I will add you Hun if that’s okay keep me updated Hun, hope yours is okay, thanks girls so much, I hope the swelling doesn’t come back up now x x x

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