It's pretty rude when Started by: Belle265

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    Girls add you purely to see pictures of your boobs then once you’ve accepted they say nothing to you. Not even a ‘thanks for letting me have a look.’ I personally would never have imagined that I would dare put pictures of my breasts on the Internet but I know how helpful it can be, so I did. However I don’t accept people without a message or comment anyway as it doesn’t take much effort to say to someone ‘I’m thinking of having…can I add you?” I did the same before my op, but I would always send a message afterwards to say ‘great result’ or at least ‘thanks for letting me have a look’. Just saying. I’m probably more sensitive about this as I’m still not 100% happy with mine.

    Charlotte 1

    100% agree! The amount of people who randomly add you as soon as you say that pictures are up, who haven’t so much as said hello! I was quite shocked! I always alwayyyys asked before I added someone and normally had a reason eg same surgeon, size etc, and made some comment, usually very positive on the outcome! I don’t accept if I’ve not spoken to the person!! GRRR!


    aww I find that rude its help me loads looking at u ladys pics I always comment on them or have a convo with u guys after u accepted its just rude not to x

    Kim 1

    Agree with you 100% belle have had them ask on my post and messaging me asking to add me they have looked but haven’t said anything its not nice I really hate mine even had one girl telling me that they can’t be that bad told her to add me to see for herself she did then not a word. Think I will go through my photos and delete them as at the min feel like the freak show the girl with the Frankenstein boobs I have my own personal collection to keep a diary of how they are changing. X


    Aw Kim that’s awful! I bet you feel like she was just being nosey and wanted a look, how rude! I think people forget that it’s quite an emotional experience, especially when things don’t go to plan like with yours. I think I might delete mine too. Amy you’re right chuck and you do always make the effort to chat it’s really lovely 🙂 x

    Nicki 1

    Totally agree! Fair enough some girls send u a quick message first, then u don’t hear from them again once you’ve accepted. They’ve seen ur pics n that’s it. No ‘thank you’, no ‘they look great Hun’. I always sent a msg or commented after. I appreciated the fact they’d let me see their pics. I was thinking of deleting some as well.. Xx


    I don’t do that, and I’m not even friends with you, but I just wanted to say thank you to you and all the other girls on here who have put up pics. They really help out pre-op/newbie girls and especially me who had absolutely no idea what to expect re sizing. I would have made the total wrong choice on size if I didn’t have the luxury of seeing pics on here, so on behalf of the girls who haven’t said it, thank you so much for sharing your pics. xxx


    That’s really sweet karrin, thanks. I looked at girls pics before my op too, it’s so helpful which is why I decided to put pics up myself. I just think people forget what a personal thing it is and you’re putting up pictures of yourself basically for people to look at and make a judgement. It’s really nice if you to write that thank you though karrin x


    I agree with karrin it’s great seeing pics of before and afters like has helped me so much with size I wouldn’t have a clue what size to go for if it wasn’t for all the lovely ladies that want to help out so I’d like to say thanks very much too cos its so helpful and so brave because I’m quite shy so don’t think I’d put a before pic up. Thanks again Xx 🙂


    Hiya girlies, I hope I haven’t left any thanks out, I don’t often have access to a computer and doing Mya on my phone isn’t great! I wouldn’t want just anyone looking at my pics (when I put them up). xx

    Em 3

    Hi Hun I agree . Most girls who want to see mine arnt getting implants anywhere near the size of mine . They just wanna see / perve. 🙁 regardless I do get some very nice comments . Iv not put my face in my pics , after all its on my avatar. One girl said she showed her boyfriend one of my after pics . Almost cried . Deleted her real quick . I surpose for the first few weeks it ok . Now I’m feeling less like putting up new pics. Xx


    No message, no communication on this forum I shall not accept 🙂 x

    charlie1 -3

    I agree totally. I said someone cud add me earlier and then nothing, no nice comment or anything 🙁
    I’m not totally loving my boobs so even if the comments are lies it still makes me feel a bit more confident about them!
    I’m considering having a friend clear out, either that or deleting my pics. No one really has my size so don’t think I’m much help to anyone anyway! Xx

    Em 3

    @charlie1 its hard Hun but iv never looked at your pics , I like being your friend lol. As a fellow bigger implant girl . I hate it when girls who arnt anywhere near our size just fancey a look to see I’m sure they show there partners. I’m pritty picky these days. To all the girls who do wanna look there’s before and after pics on site for everyone to see , xx

    Em 3
    ayshababy 5

    Same! Got 133 requests :/


    Well I guess it is good manners to leave comments on every single girls page, i have to say im not the worlds best at doing so. I generally inbox girls on here that have some kind of connection to my situation… I keep an eye on the forums and topics as i find it interesting to read… But would like to thank all the active users that leave interesting comments and allow me to view there pics its much appreciated and i well try and b more vocal…. Much love to u all Chan xxx

    charlie1 -3

    Aww I like being ur friend too em 😉
    Omg I hate the thought of my pics being shown to partners 😮
    Wow 133 requests!!! And I thought I had a lot with my 2 pages lol! Xx


    Hi Aysha I friend requested you, I’m probably one of those 133 lol! I’m having Mr Singh and 520cc, so really similar to you. x


    Oh and no problem Belle. xx

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