Just taken me pre-op pics and noticed something weird? Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 146

    Help! When I had my initial consultation, Dr Mounir said one side of my ribcage is further back than the other, causing me to have slightly different sized boobs. This didn’t bother me until when I took my pictures just now and noticed that because of this my ribs stick out and look absolutely horrendous!

    Does anyone else have this problem? I feel so conscious about it and I’ve been looking online and there doesn’t really seem to be a fix for it. Since I’ve noticed it it feels really prominent and I feel like one side of me is jutting out and I feel like never wearing a bikini or looking in the mirror again because it’s making me sick!

    Literally just as I was ready to feel confident in my body finally, this has caused me to realise something even worse ?

    I’ve tried to attach a picture, hopefully it’ll work.

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    Jess 146

    Trying to add another.

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    Gemma 9

    I’m the same Hun my rib case sticks out more it’s just how your body is there is nothing the surgeon can do to make your boobs any different than put the implants in . I’m sure everything will be fine and you won’t notice as you will be to busy looking at your new boobs xx

    Jess 146

    @gemmamlee Just can’t believe I’ve never noticed it before and now it looks awful! I’m just hoping that my new boobs will be enough of a distraction from it πŸ™ xx

    Lou 10

    It’s hardly noticeable I only can tell as you stated it. Know exactly how u feel though mr Mounir also stated my chest bone on the left sticks out more which is why my left boob is slightly bigger and I never noticed it was bigger until then I was a little gutted at first but I’m fine now and excited for my op . We can’t change our bone structure Hun xx

    Helen 111

    mine is the same but above the top of my boobs, it’s causing slight difference in boob size so i need different implant sizes. it’s not massively noticeable hun unless you pointed it out i think once you get your new boobs you’ll be too distracted by them to notice! ☺️ xx

    Kel 19

    I have the same hunny don’t worry I’m booked in with Mounir on Monday there’s nothing you can do and it’s ok I have a curved spine too xxx

    Jess 146

    @ella086 @helenelizabethxx @kellybarmby94 @amylaceyx thank you girls that makes me feel much better knowing it’s quite normal! I think I got a bit worked up over it but I can’t change it so I realise now there’s no point being upset xxx


    I have tgis problem but its the top breast bone thats more noticeable its main reason nhs were going to do my boobs till I lost the funding, I dnt think there is any1 with perfect symmetrical ribs though so ul b fine hun ?xx

    Jess 146

    Thank you πŸ™‚ xxx


    Hi girls i also have this problem its pretty common and does make one of my breasts seem bigger and fill my bra more which is slightly annoying xx

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