Live Alone Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi everyone,
    I live alone at the moment and Im concerned that I may struggle initially post op. My mother is coming home with me from London to help me home and settle in etc, but after that I will be alone.
    My flat isnt overly huge and I am off work for the week so can stay in bed watching tv, read etc.
    Is there any advise anyone can give as to what the first week is like? My op is a Monday then assuming that post op check will be the following monday – plan to be back in work by the Tuesday (if possible).
    Any help & tips and advise as to what is coming would be greatly appreciated!
    Also – after the first 7 days – will it be possible to bend over the bath to wash my hair?? I also blow dry my hair ‘upside down’ i.e bent over as my hair is so very long.
    Help girls!
    Thanks xxx

    Nikitta 57

    Heya Lorna are you having unders or overs? I had unders and I washed my hair over the bath, blow dried and straightened it 2 days after my op (if not go for a blow dry or dry shampoo) I was pretty lucky I had no pain, I would recommend you get lots of snack and fridge type food to make it easier for you and also stock up on lots of bottled drinks to put on your bed next to you if you need a drink. Saves going to the kettle/cooking/washing up xxx

    Nikitta 57

    I have also seen that a lot of girls have struggled after with lifting them self out of bed so with being alone rest on a lot of pillows so your quite raised For when you need to get out of bed xx


    Your need someone with you for 24 hrs after. They normally advise 2 weeks off. I washed my long hair in a shallow bath just holding onto my bath handles and leaning backwards on day 5. Prior to this I flannel washed. I have 2 small children but I think if I lived alone and only had to look after myself I would have been ok as long as someone opened my click top medicine cap before they left as for some reason even now that gives me a spasm in my breast! Otherwise you can spend the time sleeping, watching to and taking pain killers. I was able to dress myself ok straight from getting the ok to leave hospital


    Thanks ladies.
    Nikitta I am not sure yet as I meet my surgeon on the 10th Jan. I booked my op in as it was the only slot she had available ASAP.
    I’m not sure 100% yet what to have. I’m just worried that I may struggle on my own. The worst thing would be not being able to feel like I have washed properly before work!!
    When is it advisable to be able to shower? Xxx


    I had low levels baths. If you have a removable shower head you can shower just hold it below your incisions and use a flannel under your arms and lean forwards over the bath to wash your hair. The first 24 hours I just flannel washed. I took roll on deodorant as read someone couldn’t lift arms to use spray deodorant but I found that absolutely fine I could lift my arms ok but I guess everyone is different and did take wet wipes with me for a quick freshen up.


    I mean have not had as only a week post op and can’t shower for a week

    keeno 18

    @lorna I would advise having someone maybe on stand by just in case.. I had 375cc under the muscle.
    I was living alone and read how every girl Is different and so on, I did struggle on day 2-5 I found lifting things very difficult and things like open doors, flushing the toilet 🙁 even making a cupper! having shallow baths using a flannel and using a shower head helped a million! getting out of bed wasn’t fun either 🙁 xxxxx (I basically underestimated the pain)


    Hi hun I practically live alone I had unders with linda Fiumara. I had to stay overnight as my op was more invasive due to mini uplift
    I was so thankful I stayed because I really needed the rest. My mother was with me for the whole first day and would pass through each evening to check on me.

    Top tips:
    1. Clean your house from top to toe before the op as you not be able to lift, push or pull things like a vacuum.
    2. Buy a backrest from argos, v pillow and set it all up on ur bed so u can hop in when u get home. Onesies or loose joggers
    3. Get some microwave meals/soups or sandwiches, straws as u won’t be able to cook and it’s easier to drink in case u can’t lift anything. Meals high in protein and lots of veggies /fruit. I went mad for blueberries as they’re high in antioxidants
    4. Ask for a few of the mini shot glass cup things they give meds in from the hospital. I got my mum to write my times on them and fill them up with my meds. Set ur alarms to repeat. I just had them the same times so I was regulated.
    5. Sounds grim but get a little bucket for ur room if u need to pee and can’t get up or down the stairs
    6. Get some laxatives /peppermint tea/Prunes for the constipation
    7. Wrap sanitary pads around the breast band if ur given one or chop some socks as it’ll help the rubbing
    8. Drink pineapple juice to help take down the swelling
    9. Don’t be afraid to swap cocodemol for plain paracetamol if the constipation and bloating is too much. I found paracetamol was just fine and I took paracetamol with caffeine during the day as that works quicker
    10. For three months before (until two weeks before the op) I took a few supplements to help get my bodys immune system up and strong I took: magnesium, zinc, vit c and feroglobin. They helped with the cells, muscles and blood/fatigue. I started back on them straight after the op and really think it’s helped my recovery. I had a lot of feeling in both my breasts two days after and only one nipple was super numb plus only bruising at the side of one breast but tht was due to surgery and it was the smaller one so I think my surgeon proper stuffed it in lol.
    11. Also just totally rest your body will have gone through major trauma and you may feel fine but do not over do ! Do not raise ur arms above ur head just use ur hands. Practice ur bum shuffle to get in and our of bed. Drink plenty of water to keep u hydrated and flush the drugs out ur system.
    12. The morphine may make u itch so get some Piriton. I had a lot of morphine and my belly and back were really itchy had a rash!

    Hope that helps fx


    That really helps thanks so much xxx

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