Local anaesthesic Started by: Lisa

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  • Lisa 1

    Hi girls, I have only just started researching so probably have a long way to go yet but unfortunately I have some problems with my throat/breathing which makes having a general anaesthetic quite a horrible experience as I have to be a wake to have the tubes inserted etc. This is part of the reason I have put off having my boobs done for so long. Now I’ve seen MYA do the op under local anaesthetic I’m really excited to start looking into having them done. Just wondering if any of you could give me some info on your experience with having the op done under local.


    I know very few do it under local I am getting it under local with dr kazzazi in Doncaster if that’s any good for you

    Lisa 1

    Fab, thank you! Is that the closest clinic to you? Is it with Mya?

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