Make up before surgery Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 20

    Hi Girls, do you know why we can’t put a bit of make up before surgery? I’m not talking about the full face but a bit of powder / concealer. Do you think that would be ok? Also, is it okay to put a facial moisturiser on? Xx

    Jessica 42

    I’m getting the train on my own on the morning of my surgery and was wondering the same. Just a little bit of foundation and mascara so I don’t look like total crap! I might just take it off in the taxi from the train station to the hospital? Xx

    Olive 3

    not sure the reason exactly!
    you could always remove it after your admission once youre in your room!xx

    Yana 51

    You can always take some facial wipes and take it off when you prepare for the op. They quite strict about that. I imagine the foundation for example would mask the pale or yellow skin tone during the surgery which can be a sign of excessive bleeding.. I’m no specialist but any products could be transferred onto other areas of your body and gown and contaminate the surgery. Is it worth the risk? You got plenty of time to wash it all off in the room before the surgery. And you can put it all back on before you leave;) I did lol

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