MEASURED @ 30F Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey pretty ladies!
    So I finally got measured! 30F I asked her twice if she was sure lol! So I brought 2 t shirt bras today as where I live I am limited to where I can go for bras! But do any girls have advice for where to shop for this size? Also what’s an alternative size to wear?

    For girls who are thinking of getting bigger boobies, I had 350cc High Profile Overs! And I am 7 weeks post op 🙂 xxxx

    Shellwake 10

    Wow bet you are over the moon. What size were you before if you don’t mind me asking chick? I had 350 cc but can’t help thinking they are too small and I should have gone bigger 🙁


    Hey Hun, I was a 32B empty C cup! I thought 350 would be too small too lol but honestly they do get bigger 🙂 my friend also has the same as me but hers are still getting bigger! And she had them 6 months before me haha! So give it time x

    C 1

    Wow that’s big! Hopefully mine will come out like this lol.
    My friend always goes to Matalan for her bras well since her BA anyway. She’s a 34 g xx

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