Monday 1st Feb Started by: Carmen

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  • Carmen 35

    Hi Girls
    got my admission time for monday 1st feb at the fitzroy. Anyone else there on this day? Have been feeling excited but its starting to hit home now! x


    I’m in Preston 1st feb. Good luck x


    How did it go? I had mine on 1st as well, was 2nd on the list

    Carmen 35

    Hey Hun my admission time was 10 had my op about 1. It went okay – I had an allergic reaction to the morphene so they had to keep me in a while and give me antihistamine as I came out in a massive rash. Was in lots of pain and was dizzy for a few hours after and the last couple of days I’m feeling very sore and tight – keep undoing my Macom for a bit of a breather every now and then but feeling very achey! How are you! X


    Oh no that sounds rubbish.
    I have been okay the last few days, not much pain but today I feel so nauseous and I have had to undo my bra to stop myself feeling ill. I’m very bloated and haven’t gone to the loo since Sunday so have just taken something to try and speed it along!
    Can’t wait to get the strapping off to see! Can’t feel my left nipple yet though


    I went in for 8.30 am had my OP at 12.30 ish and discharged about 8. But got a flat tyre so we had to stay at a hotel that night! They were worried about my low blood pressure which is why I was in all day

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