Mr Schiavone Started by: Gail

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  • Nikki

    Thanks for the encouragement Lauren. I know it would make me feel a lot happier and I have read a lot about his stitching and feel that have a good doctor. When’s your op Lauren and what are you having done xx


    Yeah he does sound like a good doctor from what’s on here so fingers crossed! I’ve booked mine for the 9th November and I’m having a breast enlargement. I’m 23 now and have been thinking about this since I was 17 so I have put a lot of thought into it lol. I am pretty much completely flat chested, literally nothing there and it gets me down so much. My boyfriend is lovely and tries his best to make me feel better but I just don’t feel attractive at all and not even feminine, I’m always hiding away and just want to feel more confident so really can’t wait to get it done now. Sorry, just telling you my life story there haha! xx


    I had him last Saturday and had my dressings off today and you can hardly even see a mark and its not even been a week yet! I would defo recommend him and he’s done exactly what I asked for. Also I was thinking maybe I should of gone bigger but after having the dressings off today, and looking at them properly i realise they’re the right size and they are big ha and I’m only a size 8 and defo wouldn’t want any bigger. Lol Just can’t wait til they soften abit xx


    Congratulations Liz! Glad to hear you’re so happy with your results 😀 and even better that you can hardly see a mark. Yeah if you’re only a size 8 you don’t want them to be too huge lol. Good to look in proportion 🙂 what size implants did you have in? And what size did you start off as? Can’t wait to get mine done now!! 😀 xx


    Ah Liz that is good to hear!! I’ve woken up 2 hours later than when I was next due pain relief so it’s a bit sore now!! Was your (or anyone else’s! ) throat worse the next day after the airways tube? Mine was fine straight away after other than my voice being croaky but in the car coming home and this morning feels rough again ha xx


    I was a 34b and I had 385 unders x

    I didn’t have a sore throat. I thought I’d be able to tell I’d had a tube down my throat but didn’t which was strange. I think my voice did go abit croaky the next day though x


    I can tell Lauren that you’re definitely ready for this, good luck for November I bet it can’t come quick enough. Xx


    Yeah I think I’m ready 🙂 aww thanks so much! No definitely can’t, I’m counting down the days already haha! You will have to let me know if you decide to go ahead and book and if you do I wish you lots of luck for it and hope you are happy with whatever you decide 🙂 xx

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