my mya experience Started by: Amelia

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  • Amelia

    I thought I would share my story for others that are going to have a BA. I chose Mr Singh as my consultant after going to see 2 other surgeons as he gave me the most confidence spent the most time with me and went through everything in more detail. I had an asymmetry in my breasts one was an A cup and one was a B cup. We decided around the 500cc mark but he said he would decide fully when im having the procedure so he can get the sizes right so they are symmetrical. I drove up to Fitzroy square and parked in the NCP car park below the holiday inn (then got a taxi to the clinic cause I had no idea where I was going). I arrived about 6:30am and then a very nice receptionist let us in. I got shown to my room about 7:20am. There I was asked a series of health questions and was asked to put on my stockings, paper pants, gown etc. The anaesthetist came round to see me to explain what was going to happen (scared me a bit) and then Mr Singh came round to see me and mark me up and take photos. I also had to take a urine sample too check I was not pregnant and my blood pressure, sats and heart rate was taken. Then two kind nurses came to take me downstairs into the operating room where I lay on a table and they talked to me to keep me calm while I was being put to sleep. I was gone for about an hour and 45 minutes my mum said, I then remember waking up to a different nurse checking my blood pressure again and just being very sleepy. He wheeled me back to my original room where my mum was waiting for me. I was in and out of sleep for hours. The nurse came to check me every so often to check my blood pressure. My right incision was hurting so she gave me codeine also. Around about 2pm I started to feel really sick I was sweating and very dizzy. The nurses were amazing really looked after me putting cold compresses over me helping me to sit up but unfortunately I had reacted bad to the anasetic and felt really ill. I was given anti-sickness (IV) which did not really help matters. Then they decided to put me on an IV drip as I could be dehydrated. (This helped a bit) I managed to eat half a piece of toast in about 3 hours and was in a really bad way. They let me go home around 7pm. I still did not feel 100% and I was sick when I got outside the clinic. I felt much better then and the drive home was fine (my mum drove). I am now currently on my 3rd day post op. Still in a lot of pain under my incisions, fed up, back ache and bored! Ive taken bits of the strapping off as it was way to tight and felt as though it was restricting my breathing. I am having it all off Monday which I cant wait for. From what I can see of my new boobs they look great, I know they will change a lot but im happy with the result so far. Any questions feel free to ask.

    Tina 1

    so glad to hear this hun, im looking to set up a consultation with mr singh in January so this has put alot of confidence in me about him 🙂 glad your happy with your results so far 🙂 happy healing 🙂 xx


    He is very good he came to check on me three times as he knew I was unwell very good surgeon xxx

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