Natural look Doncaster local with sedation… Started by: Dixie Peach Burton

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    So ive finally plucked up the courage to book after having my consultation about a year ago!!! I’m going to book in for the natural look clinic has anyone else been here and had op under sedation? Also what happens at pre and post ops? Any more needles involved as I’m only just ok with having the cannula :s

    Alex 119

    I was there 8 weeks ago 🙂 the local with sedation is really easy…I was out straight away and woke up an hour or so later. I was in the clinic a total of 4 hours 🙂 the only needle I had was the cannula. Good luck! All the staff are lovely xo

    Tracey 43

    I also had my op at natural look clinic, the whole team were brilliant, have your own room and everything seemed to go really quickly and to plan. No sooner was I laid on the table than I seemed to be waking up all done, didn’t even notice the cannula being done as the nurses were chatting away to me and don’t remember going to sleep. My admission time was 9.30, I went in to surgery about 10.30 and we left about 2.30. Basically it’s up to you when you feel well enough to leave. Mr kazazzi came in to see me after and said all had gone well. You’ll be fine there Dixie. No needles at pre op and post op appointment is just to remove strapping, take pics and check your incisions x

    Fionajsd 131

    I had sedation as well , no issues. Out like a light 🙂


    Thanks so much ladies I’m just gonna do it I’ve wanted them done for so long! Xx

    Fionajsd 131

    Please don’t let the words sedation put u off, it’s the same drugs as a general just not enough to need assisting breathing . I woke up no nasty sore throat or nausea and don’t remember a thing x

    Georgia 32

    I was at the natural look friday, and was worried about sedation, the anathesist said to me its exactly the same as having a general, but very less side effects when you wake up, i was so scared of the thought of waking up during surgery, but honestly i was out of it didnt know a thing xx


    Thanks ladies I just prefer the thought of waking up without feeling groggy and being able to go home ASAP. 🙂 xx

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