Newbie boobs all done -yeeeey! Started by: tai

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  • tai -1

    Boobies were all done Monday at Preston and I am now the proud owner of two young 340cc tsx implants to replace my oldies of 13 yrs 🙂
    My CC has gone and after the lovely mr mounir did an amazing job at correcting my boobs that were done previously elsewhere! I am still swollen and very sore but already they are softer and a much better shape, can’t wait to post a pic!!

    The staff at Preston were amazing, I had such a long wait though, I arrived at 10.30 and didn’t go down till about 6! I was safely tucked up in my own bed at 1am. Judith at the hospital was fabulous, I wanted to bring her home with me and all the other staff were amazing and so helpful and friendly. Dispite the long wait I have had a really positive experience and although my body clock is out of sync through the pre boobie nerves and sleeping in the day, I am so happy I’m out the other side with these new bad boys!! We refer to mr mounir as the boobie guru in our house!

    This forum has helped no end and I want to thank everyone for your support and in sharing stories and your pics. It helps so much….. Thank you xxx


    Well done on new boobs mine on Saturday with mounir x


    So happy for you glad it all went well xxxx

    tai -1

    Sharla enjoy the whole process and you will be fine. What size are you getting? Exciting stuff xxx. Thanks cupcake 38. How you getting on? You ok? Xxx

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